If you are looking for Tehatta Government College Merit List, you will be pleased to this article. Today’s content is based on Tehatta Government College Merit List preparation method and checking process of the merit list, college subject details and some more. So, if you are really interested, you should go below and go through the article carefully. You may be happy to checkout your merit list.
Tehatta Government College Merit List
- College Name – Tehatta Government College
- The Established Year – 2014
- Affiliate/ Under University – Kalyani University
- College Category – general degree college
- Principal Name – Dr.Sibsankar Pal
- College Type – general degree college
- Proper Location – Post office:- Tehatta, District:- Nadia, State:- West Bengal, Pin No:- 741160
- Departments of this college – Arts & Science
Tehatta Government College Merit List 2021 Subject
- Arts
- Philosophy
- English
- Bengali
- History
- Political science
- Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
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Tehatta Government College Merit List 2021 Checking Process
Here are the simplest way to checking out the Merit list –
- Go to the official website of Tehatta Government College.
- Go to the Admission or Merit list portal.
- Select your subject or course or stream.
- Download the Pdf file of the Merit list and search your name in the list.
Tehatta Government College Top Facilities
- Students health home
- Anti-ragging cell
- Library
- Seminar
- Workshops
- Also others
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Tehatta Government College Merit List 2021 Publish date
- Tehatta Government College 1st merit list – 4th week of August
- Tehatta Government College 2nd Merit list – 4th week of August
- Tehatta Government College 3rd Merit List – 4th week of August
Tehatta Government College Merit List 2021 Facts
Every student is eager to know what is important to make the merit list if you target to get admission here in Tehatta Government College. Here you need the following.
- Minimum aggregate in 12th/HS/equivalent
- Subject wise marks required for hons admission
- Number of total vacant seats.
- First merit list publication date is on 4th week of August.
- Counselling and admission date and process from the first merit list.
- Admission will be complete according to available seats.
- If seats are available, the second, third, fourth… merit lists will be published.
Tehatta Government College Merit List 2021 Link
Some Interesting Details about Tehatta Government College
- Tehatta Government College is located at the hotel beside the river Jalangi in the district of Nadia.
- Which college is affiliated to the University of Kalyani.
- It is one of the new colleges in Nadia district.
- In the year 2014, the college started its journey, which offers undergraduate courses in Arts and science with honours and general.
- Apart from quality education, this college offers anti-ragging to protect the students. For developing the students, this institution has been doing mini-seminar workshops and others throughout the year.
- This college is still under construction.
- The primary objective of spreading education is to spread humanity and develop socio-economic standards. To develop a lifestyle with quality education, this college has been performing great.
- It is an excellent academic institution in Nadia district. Many students apply to get admission in this college because it is a government college.
- It is the UGC approved, and NAAC accredited college in West Bengal.
Contact Details of Tehatta Government College
- College’s official Website:- http://tehattagovtcollege.ac.in
- Contact Number:- 03471-250100
- Mail ID:- [email protected]
- FAX ID:- 03471-250100
- College’s official Location:- Post office:- Tehatta, District:- Nadia, State:- West Bengal, Pin No:- 741160