Vidyadhan Scholarship: Today we have accoumulated here pertaining Vidyadhan scholarship application procedure and more significant details throughout this elegant page. Vidyadhan scholarship is providing the Sarojini Damodaran Foundation those who have passed class 10th and obtain 90% marks. There are lots of information and method you can discover here if you stay till the end.
So, lets begin what has in this article, Here has available Vidyadhan scholarship eligibility criteria, application method, required documents, rewards, application date and link etc. Do not think about anything go down and follow us meticulously.
Vidyadhan Scholarship
- Name of The Scholarship: Vidyadhan Scholarship.
- Provided By: Sarojini Damodaran Foundation.
- Eligibility: Class 10th.
- Mode of Application: Online.
- Application Date: Notify Soon.
- Application Last Date: Notify Soon.
- Selection process: Application, Written test, interview.
- Rewards: Rs.60,000 per year.
- Official Website:
Eligibile Region For Vidyadhan Scholarship
This states are eligible to get this scholarship, so lets follow from which states you can apply for this crucial scholarship. Follow us below.
- Kerala.
- Tamil Nadu.
- Odisha.
- Telangana.
- Puducharry.
- Karnataka.
- Andra Pradesh.
- Maharastra.
- Gujarat.
What is the Vidyadhan Scholarship Eligibility Criteria 2021
To get this scholarship you have to be a eligible first, so we have given here the Vidyadhan scholarship eligibility criteria, go through and stay here spontaneously.
- The applicants have to stay in this state like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Telangana, Puducharry, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Maharastra, Gujrat.
- The candidates have to pass out class 10th examination.
- The 10th passed candidates have to obtain 90% marks.
- 75% marks are required for 10th pass disable candidates.
- The candidates yearly family income will be less thanRs.2 lakhs.
Swami Vivekananda Scholarship – GET DETAILS |
What are the necessary Documents Required for Vidyadhan Scholarship
- Applicants Class 10th marksheet.
- Parents income certificate.
- Date of Birth.
- Photograph.
- Address proof.
- Contact Details.
How Can I Apply Vidyadhan Scholarship
Aspirants candidates come here and follow the application method for apply this scholarship. This is the main point whith the help of which you can get this scholarship easily. Hope you must read this procedure, follow us.
- The candidates have to go to the Vidyadhan Scholarship official website (
- Then, you have to hit the “Apply Scholarship” option.
- Click on the “Registration” option.
- Do registration with correct details.
- After registration you will get ID and password.
- Login with that id and password.
- Select your state.
- Then, start to fill up the application form.
- Upload all the required documents.
- Read carefully before submit.
- After that, hit the submit button.
Look At A Glance here
PFMS Scholarship – GET DETAILS |
Vidyadhan Scholarship – GET DETAILS |
Swami Vivekananda Scholarship – GET DETAILS |
What is the Vidyadhan Scholarship Selection process
Many applicants keen to know about the selection process of the scholarship. You have to go through some important methods to attain this scholarship. So, go below and follow us.
- The candidates have to get 90% marks in class 10th.
- After application your application will be shortlisted.
- Selected candidates have to give an written tast.
- After test the candidates have to give interview.
- All the Details regarding exam and interview information will get by SMS or email.
What is the Vidyadhan Scholarship Rewards 2021
If you are get through the test and interview then you can receive the benefites for continue your studies. The entire rewards details has available here just go below and follow us until the end.
- The Sarojini Dmodaran Foundation will providing this scholarship.
- Selected candidates who are studying from class 11th and 12th standard and they have to belong from Kerala state they will receive Rs.5000.
- From other state like (Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Telangana, Puducharry, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Maharastra, Gujrat) who are studying from class 11th nad 12th they will receive Rs.6000.
- The candidates can receive upto Rs.10,000 to 60,000 those who are studying from graduation and this benefites will depend on their own state.
What is the Vidyadhan Scholarship Application Date
Application Begin Date | Update Soon |
Application End Date | Update Soon |
Written Test Date | Update Soon |
Interview Date | Update Soon |
What is Vidyadhan Scholarship
- The Vidyadhan Scholarship is providing the Sarojini Damodaran Foundation.
- This scholarship helps those candidates who are meritorious and economically waker.
- This scholarship can grab those who have completed class 10th.
- The meritorious candidates must ahve to obtain 90% in class 10th examination.
- The candidates must have to give the exam and interview for receive the benefits.
- The Vidyadhan Scholarship scholarship application process is completely online.
- This scholarship are available in this state and those states are Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Telangana, Puducharry, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Maharastra, Gujrat.
- Approx 60,000 rewards can receive selected candidates.
What is the Vidyadhan Scholaship Application Link
Official website | Get Details |
Login Link | Get Details |
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Contact Details for the Vidyadhan Scholaship
- Website:
- Email Id: [email protected]
Imporatant FAQ’s About Vidyadhan Scholarship
- Who are eligible to apply Vidyadhan Scholarship?
The candidates who have passed the class 10th examination and got 90% marks they are eligible to apply this scholarship.
- What is the application mode of this scholaship?
The scholarship applicatio mode is online.
- How to apply Vidhayan Scholarship Application form?
The candidates have to go to the Vidyadhan Scholarship official website (, Then, you have to hit the “Apply Scholarship” option, Click on the “Registration” option, Do registration with correct details, After registration you will get ID and password, Login with that id and password, then Select your state, Then, start to fill up the application form, Upload all the required documents, Read carefully before submit, After that, hit the submit button.
- Who is providing ths scholarship?
Sarojini Damodaran Foundation is providing this scholarship.
- What is the Selection process of this scholaship?
The candidates have to fill the application form first, then your application will be shortlisted, then written test and finally you have to given an interview.
- What is the Vidhayan Scholasrhip Rewards Details?
Selected candidates who are studying from class 11th and 12th standard and they have to belong from Kerala state they will receive Rs.5000, even if you want to know more details then you have to go to the above.
- Which state are eligible to apply this scholarship?
Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Telangana, Puducharry, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Maharastra, Gujrat.
- What is the Vidyadhan Scholaship Email id?