Siliguri College of Commerce Admission – Merit List Available Now

Students who are waiting to check Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List for Siliguri College of Commerce Admission 2021. If you are from the category from that student so you will be pleased to get the information from this below content. Because of this below content, I am trying my best to update all the essential info about Siliguri College of Commerce like Subject details, Intake capacity, Course combination, How to check merit list, and other.

Siliguri College of Commerce

Siliguri College of Commerce Admission

  • Institute Name – Siliguri College of Commerce
  • The Established Year – 1962
  • Under University – North Bengal
  • College Category – Undergraduate
  • College Type – Commerce
  • College Location – (District – Darjeeling, Pin No – 734001, State Name:- West Bengal)
  • College Departments – arts and sciences

Siliguri College of Commerce Admission 2021 Subject Details

 1. Accountancy, 2. Law, 3. Economics, 4. Income tax law and more.


Know the Eligible Criteria for Siliguri College of Commerce Admission

Every college must have some specific eligibility criteria from the Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List preparation to the Siliguri College of Commerce Admission. So, every candidate should know the following parameters to prove eligibility to get Admission. To complete an undergraduate degree with honours or general, follow the guideline below.

Siliguri College of Commerce Admission
  1. Generally, the student must obtain at least 45% marks as aggregate in his 12th examination.
  2. At least 50% of marks in the subject (or related subject) in the last board examination (HS) to apply for honours for the respective subject.
  3. Additionally, know the cut-off marks well for getting this College Siliguri College of Commerce Admission.
  4. If the candidate belongs to any reserved category, he or she must follow the subsidiary marks (as per norms) required for the Admission to the Siliguri College of Commerce college.
  5. The marks should be included in the best five subjects of the previous examination, excluding Environment studies.

The candidate must meet all the guidelines and satisfy the eligibility criteria to enlisted in the Siliguri College of Commerce College Merit List.

Siliguri College of Commerce Admission Link

Siliguri College of Commerce Link
Siliguri College of Commerce Admission Link

Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List

Now you can check Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List because the department of Siliguri College is starting to disclose all the merit lists one by one. Read below to know all the information about SMM College Merit List.

Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List

Check Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List

Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List 2021 is too easy to check. From these below steps, you may able to check your merit list.

  • Visit the official website
  • After that, choose Merit Link or Admission.
  • Now on this stage, you need to select your Course and subject.
  • After selection, you need to submit.
  • Download the merit list to check your name.
  • All end print that merit list for further use.

NOTE : You have to go to the official website for more details.

Scholarships You May Apply

Indian Oil ScholarshipGET DETAILS
Vidyadhan ScholarshipGET DETAILS

Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List Publish Date?

1st Merit List 2021 Date(Update soon)
2nd Merit List 2021 Date(Update soon)
3rd Merit List 2021 Date(Update soon)

Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List 2021 Link

Siliguri College of Commerce Merit List Link

8 Required Documents for Siliguri Commerce College Merit List & 2021 Admission

  1. Receipt of application fee.
  2. 12th pass mark sheet.
  3. Madhyamik class admit card.
  4. School leaving certificate.
  5. Character certificate.
  6. Caste certificate(SC/ ST/ OBC.
  7. PH certificate.
  8. Some recent Passport size photograph.

Siliguri College of Commerce

Siliguri College of Commerce is the best college for management and commerce. The name of this college suggests that it is located in Siliguri in North Bengal. It was established in 1962. Siliguri Commerce College is one of the best commerce colleges in West Bengal. For the development of realistic education, this college started its journey. Primary it focuses on honors commerce subjects like accountancy, and BBA means bachelor in business administration.

Apart from this, college (Siliguri College of Commerce) has NCC and NSS. The objective of this college is freight quality education for the development of management employees. The students’ empowerment with the real world is the primary and prime objective of this college. Both honours and general courses are available in commerce. The subjects are taught in this college are (i) Accountancy, (ii) Law, (iii) Economics, (iv) Income tax law, and more.

This college is also famous for the relationship between students and faculty. The quality teaching staff and enthusiastic students are the best combinations of this college.

Siliguri College of Commerce Contact Info

Official Address:-
District – Darjeeling
Pin No – 734001
State Name:- West Bengal

Official Website:-

Phone Number:-
(i) 0353 2432594
(ii) 0353 2526702(B.B.A)

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