Belda College Merit List 2021 New Updates

Hey friend, if you are tired to looking for Belda College Merit List, then, you have come to the correct place now to search Belda College Merit List. Because, our today’s article is based on Belda College Merit List and this college subject details and facilities. So, you have to go below to collect the details of Belda College Merit List and these. If there will be any problem in this matter, you can discuss us via comment box.

Belda College Merit List

Belda College Merit List

  • Institute Name -Belda College
  • The Established Year -1963
  • Affiliate University -Vidyasagar University
  • College Category -Undergraduate 
  • Principal Name -Manabendra Mondal
  • Official Location -State:- West Bengal, Pin:-721424, Paschim Medinipur district
  • Departments of this college -Arts, science

Belda College Merit List 2021 Subject


  • Bengali
  • English
  • Geography
  • Philosophy
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Economics
  • Sanskrit
  • Santali
  • Education
  • Sociology
  • Music


  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Computer Science
  • Nutrition
Pre Matric Scholarship – GET DETAILS

Belda College Merit List 2021 Checking Process

  • Go to the official website of Belda College.
  • Go to the Admission or Merit list portal.
  • Select your subject or stream.
  • Download the Pdf file of the Merit list and search your name in the list.

Belda College Top Facilities

  1. Good Classroom
  2. Indoor Sports
  3. Sports
  4. Cycle Stand
  5. Library Facility
  6. Hostel Facility
  7. Ground
  8. Play Ground
  9. And also other facilities

Look At A Glance here

Pre Matric Scholarship – GET DETAILS
Vidyasaarathi ScholarshipGET DETAILS
Belda College

Belda College Merit List 2021 Publish date

  • Belda College 1st merit list – 4th week of August.
  • Belda College 2nd Merit list – 4th week of August.
  • Belda College 3rd Merit List – 4th week of August.

Belda College Merit List 2021 Facts

Merit list is essential to provide equality in the admission process. Every college maintains certain rules and regulations to prepare the merit list as per needed. Here you need to know something more. 

  1. Merit list is always prepared against the number of available seats.
  2. Multiple merit lists are available if all seats are not filled from the first merit list.
  3. HS or equivalent aggregate and subject wise marks is important for HONS candidates.
  4. Counselling from the first merit list.
  5. Admission of the qualified candidates from the first merit list (almost 70%).
  6. The second, third, fourth… merit lists will be published if there are available seats.
  7. Counselling and admission following the second, third, fourth…(other) merit lists.
  8. The first merit list publication date is on the 4th week of August.

Belda College Merit List 2021 Link

Official Website of Belda College
Belda College Merit List Link

9 Facts about Belda College

  1. Belda College was established in 1963.
  2. It is located at Belda, in Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. It is a CO educational, academic institution. Being an old college, this college has been providing value-added education along with career development.
  3. It is affiliated to which university. It is an undergraduate college. The campus of the college is urban.
  4. Both undergraduate and postgraduate facilities are available in this college.
  5. Students can complete their undergraduate degree in Science Arts Commerce and vocational trades.
  6. Apart from the quality and value education, this college provides canteen seminar hall theatre hall gymnasium anti-ragging cell ribbons.
  7. It did racial cell Vasundhara eco-club women cell career counseling and placement cell psychological counseling cell NCC NSS library and others.
  8. Many stories want to complete their undergraduate degree from this college due to its quality e and value-based educational model. Once upon a time, this college was established to educate the local people of Belda.
  9. Later it became an essential academic institution in Paschim Medinipur.
Belda College Contact

Contact Details of Belda College

  • College’s official Website:-
  • Contact Number:- 03229 255 246
  • Mail ID:- [email protected]
  • FAX ID:- 03229 255 246
  • College’s official Location:- State:- West Bengal, Pin:-721424, Paschim Medinipur district

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