Vidyasaarathi Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details – Check Now

Vidyasaarathi Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details:- Vidyasaarathi aims at empowering the budding youths of our nation and helps them to soar high in their career. To be specific, Vidyasaarthi is basically an approach by NSDL e-gov to provide educational scholarships to the students of India through an online platform. Here the students can look for and avail the various education finance schemes for which they are eligible.

Vidyasaarathi Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details

CourseEligible Criteria
UG(Under Graduate)50% in HSC(Maybe)
B.E/ B.Tech50% in HSC & also 50% in Diploma(Maybe)
ITI50% in SSC(Maybe)
Diploma35% in SSC(Maybe)

Corporates, fund providers and industrialist can make different education finance schemes that will help in the way of skill development of the students. They can design such schemes in Vidyasaarathi and manage them. So, Vidyasaarathi will enable the fund providers to:

  • Design and manage education finance schemes
  • Managing student applications
  • Access student profile for the purpose of decision making
  • Published information related to education finance on the Facebook page of Vidyasaarathi.

According to the statistics of

  • 5,57,312 students have joined Vidyasaarathi portal
  • 5,28,834 student applications have been processed
  • 1,781 students have been awarded with scholarship
  • 135 educational institutes have registered student testimonials.

The reviews on assures the fact that Vidyasaarathi has actually benefited the needy students.

How to Apply for Vidyasaarathi Scholarship 2021

To apply for “Vidyasaarathi Scholarship 2021” is very easy. You should only  follow some simple steps. Below Mention,

1) At first Sign Up on the proper place(Vidyasaarathi website Portal)

2) After that complete/ ful-fill your Profile(All necessary details)

3) Then search your scheme & apply online.

Please Note:-  You should search the proper scheme(what you want to apply & also you must be eligible).

Important Links For Vidyasaarathi Scholarship 2021

Vidyasaarathi Scholarship 2021GET DETAILS

At present the following scholarship schemes are available in for the session 2021-2022:-

TransUnion CIBIL Scholarship:-

Under TransUnion CIBIL Vidyasaarathi undertakes a number of sustainable projects that assist primary and professional education and also impart skill training. TransUnion CIBIL rewards scholarship to more than 600 eligible students every year.

The candidate must have scored a minimum of 65% in HS examination to apply for this scheme.

Those with a family income over Rs. 300000/- can’t apply for this scheme.

The amount of scholarship is up to Rs. 40,000/-.

  • Scholarship is for the Girl students of 1st or 2nd year who are pursuing B.Pharmacy (2021-2022). It provides for Undergraduate level course in B.Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy). The candidate must have scored a minimum of 65% in HS examination to apply for this scheme. Students with total family income below Rs.3,00,000 can apply.
  • TransUnion CIBIL Scholarship for female students who are pursuing their Masters of Pharmacy. The candidate must have obtained 65% in graduation to be able to apply for this scheme.
  • TransUnion CIBIL Scholarship for 1st/2nd year’s female students who are pursuing B.Sc. nursing. The candidate must have secured a minimum of 65% in HS examination to be eligible to apply for this scheme. Students with total family income exceeding Rs. 3,00,000/- cannot apply.
  • TransUnion CIBIL Scholarship for the female students of 1st year who are pursuing their M.Sc. in Nursing. The candidate must have passed her graduation with 65% marks to be eligible to apply for this scheme.
  • TransUnion CIBIL Scholarship for the female students of 1st and 2nd year who studying GNM. The candidate must have got at least 65% in her HS examination to apply for this scholarship program.

There are many other TransUnion CIBIL Scholarships available on

Briharti Foundation Scholarship:-

Briharti Foundation is an organization which assumes its social responsibility with utmost dedication and care. It provides a number of Scholarship schemes for the needful students.

  •  Briharti Foundation Scholarship schemes for the students of class 8. The candidate must have obtained at least 60% in class 7 to be eligible to apply.
  • Briharti Foundation Scholarship Schemes for the students of class 9. The candidate must have secured at least 60% in class 8 to be eligible for the scheme. Students from the state of Gujarat can only opt for this scheme.

One can apply if his/her total family income does not exceed a sum of Rs. 5,00,000/- per annul.

All Other Scholarship Recommended Only for You

Many more scholarships from other fund providers are also available in Vidyasaarathi. It is recommended that the interested people visit to know more about the various schemes which might assist them.