OBC National fellowship
Ministry of social justice and empowerment, government of India provides the OBC National fellowship. The main intention is to extend financial aids to the students of OBC category who are interested in pursuing higher education such as M. Phil or PhD. A candidate must visit the official website of UGC to know more about the scheme and apply for scholarship after checking the eligibility criteria. This is a government aided scheme and almost 300 students are benefited from it.OBC central sector scheme for national overseas:-
The National overseas scheme will benefit those OBC students who want to pursue Masters or PhD from a foreign University. Under this scheme the Masters candidates are awarded fellowship for 3 years and PhD students are granted fellowship for 4 years. Eligible candidates can collect the application from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.Pre-matric OBC Scholarship:- This scheme provides financial assistance to the students studying at present Matric level in government schools or any recognized private schools. This helps the selected students to pursue their education without being bridled by any financial crisis. Under this scholarship scheme a student receives a stipend of up to INR 500 per month. Our central government contributes 50% in carrying out this program.Post Matric OBC Scholarship:-
The post matric Scholarship Scheme for the OBC students is completely provided by the central government of India. This scheme is implemented in different regions through state government and union territory administration. The Indian government has invested an amount of almost INR 700 crores on this scheme. Lakhs of students are getting awards from under this scheme.OBC ONGC Scholarship:-
The Oil and Gas Corporate Limited or ONGC gives almost 1000 Scholarships to the OBC students who are studying in the first year of their graduation or post- graduation courses. This is targeted to the students who belong to economically backward families. Under this scheme, the students are awarded with a monthly maintenance allowance amounting to INR 4000. You can apply for it on the official website of ONGC. OASIC Official Link All Other Scholarship Recommended Only for You Vidyasaarathi Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details It is recommended that you visit the respective websites to gather more information regarding the various Scholarship schemes available for you or for your loved ones. These awards may assist in building some glorious personalities ahead.Why Latestnews29.com to find this Information
In the present time there are lots of different digital medium which are working in different types of digital platform. But we are working only on educational purpose to fulfill the disappointed students who does not get right information about OBC Scholarship. (i) We have made our website to support the students of university from where they will easily get their all quires which is related to the OBC Scholarship. (ii) We are providing updated information such as course, eligible quality etc. of OBC Scholarship in every corner of our site for the disappointed students. (iii) If the students visit our website to know information regarding money, How to Apply, Official link etc. they can easily get the proper details. (iv) The students always anxious to find their suitable scholarship but they do not get proper syllabus related information in others website then they get nervous. (v) We are trying to stand by our students in all time. And also students/ applicants can easily access our website(Latestnews29.com) from every corner he live.Other Scholarships You May Apply
Fair And Lovely Scholarship | GET DEAILS |
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