Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021 Great Updates

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021.You will be very happy to know, that, today’s article is formed on the base of Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List. You should know that, Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List is very much important for Arambagh Girls’ College admission. So, if you are really interested, you should go below and complete the article carefully to know the detailed information about Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List.

Arambagh Girls' College Merit list

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List

  • College Name – Arambagh Girls’ College
  • The Established Year – 1995
  • Affiliate/ Under University – Burdwan University
  • College Category – undergraduate
  • Proper Location – Arambag, District:-Hooghly, State:- West Bengal, Pin No:-712601
  • Departments of this college – Arts

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021 Subject

  • Arts
  • Bengali
  • English
  • Sanskrit
  • History
  • Geography
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Education

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021 Checking Process

I will tell you some easy steps to check the Merit list –

  • Go to the official website of Arambagh Girls’ College.
  • Go to the Admission or Merit list panel.
  • Select your Subject details or stream.
  • Download the PDF file of the Merit list.
  • Search your name in the list.

Arambagh Girls’ College Top Facilities

  1. Anti-ragging Campus
  2. Human Right Cell
  3. Eco-friendly Campus
  4. Women Cell
  5. Library
  6. Career Counselling Cell/ICT club
  7. Gymnasium/Yoga
  8. Hostel
  9. Canteen
  10. Others

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Arambagh Girls' College

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021 Publish date

  • Arambagh Girls’ College 1st merit list – 4th week of August
  • Arambagh Girls’ College 2nd Merit list – 4th week of August
  • Arambagh Girls’ College 3rd Merit List – 4th week of August

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021 Facts

Every year the admission to the college is becoming more challenging. As a result, to give a fair chance and opportunity to every deserving student through the merit list. The merit list is the transparent process to admission. Here to check the merit list follow the points.

  1. Subject wise available seats for the HONS candidates.
  2. Subject wise marks in HS or equivalent (12th) along with aggregate 
  3. First merit list publication date is on 4th week of August.
  4. More than one merit list (second, third)will be published (as per available seats).
  5. 1st merit list fulfill 60-75% of vacant seats.
  6. Second, third and other merit list date and admission (in-detail)

Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List 2021 Link

Official Website of Arambagh Girls’ College
Arambagh Girls’ College Merit List Link

7 Facts about Arambagh Girls’ College

  1. Arambagh Girls’ College is a burning example of women empowerment.
  2. Girls of this locality, Arambagh, this college started its journey in 1995.
  3. Students of this college can complete their undergraduate degree in Arts with honours or general.
  4. Women empowerment is a primary objective of this college. Since long this college has been performing well the speech of humanity, personal education rationality productivity positive and self-dependency and the girls.
  5. Many students from different parts of Hugli district want to get admission in this college because of its discipline, quality and relationship between teacher and student.
  6. It is affiliated to the University of Burdwan.
  7. It is a UGC approved, and NAAC accredited college of West Bengal.
Arambagh Girls' College Contact

Contact Details of Arambagh Girls’ College

  • College’s official Website:-
  • Contact Number:- 03211-255960
  • Mail ID:- [email protected]
  • FAX ID:- 03211-255960
  • College’s official Location:- Arambag, District:-Hooghly, State:- West Bengal, Pin No:-712601

Sri Ramkrishna Sarada Vidyamahapith Merit List 2021 Official Updates