MOMA Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details – Check Now

MOMA Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details:- Minority Scholarships given by the Ministry of Minority Affairs are known as MOMA Scholarships. Students of the minority communities are benefited from this scheme. Notified minority communities in India are:-
  • Christian
  • Buddhist
  • Sikh
  • Muslim
  • Jain
  • Parsis
The MOMA scholarships can be classified into three broad categories:
  • Pre-matric Scholarships
  • Post-matric Scholarships
  • Merit cum means Scholarships for technical and professional courses.

MOMA Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details

The students who are selected for these national minority Scholarships receive an amount of up to INR 20000 per annum. The Central government has decided to distribute 30 lakh scholarships under pre- Matric Scholarship scheme, 5 lakh Scholarship under post- Metric scheme and almost 60,000 Scholarships under the merit cum means based scheme which is intended for the professional and technical courses at large.

Pre – matric scholarship scheme:-

The pre Matric Scholarship scheme intends to encourage the parents to send their children to school in order to get educated. It is given to the students who belong to the financially backward families of the minority communities. The main target is to light the financial burden of parents. Students are provided with tuition fees and other such benefits. Almost 30 lakhs students are to be benefited from this scheme. It is given to the students at pre- Matric level of education. The scholarship provides up to INR 600 per month to the selected students of class 1 to class 10.  Eligibility criteria for pre-matric Scholarship: 
  • The candidate must be studying in a class ranging from 1- 10.
  • The candidate must have obtained at least 50% in his/ her previous final examination.
  • The total family income if the candidate must not exceed INR 1 lakh per annum.

Post- Matric Scholarship:-

The post- Matric Scholarship scheme was initiated by MOMA especially increase the rate of higher education among the Minority communities. Many meritorious students belonging to the financially weaker section if these communities are not being able to continue their higher studies because of the financial crisis. MOMA ensures to assist such meritorious champs in pursuing their dream career without facing extreme financial deprivation. Almost 5 lakhs students are to be benefited from this scheme. The post- Matric Scholarship is given to the students of class 11 to that if PhD level. Eligibility criteria for the post- Matric scheme: There are a few criteria on the basis of which awards are given under the post- matric Scholarship scheme. They are as follows:
  • The student must be studying in class 11- Ph.D.
  • The student must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in his/ her previous final examination.
  • The total family income of the student must be within INR 2 Lakh per annum.

Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship: 

The merit cum means based Scholarship was initiated by the Ministry of Minority Affairs with the objective of assisting the students from minority communities who are pursuing professional and technical courses.  The goal is to open a path of success for the meritorious students of these communities who belong to financially backward families.  This will help to increase their employ-ability.  Almost 60,000 students are to be benefited by this scheme. The selected students are to be awarded with an amount of up to INR 20000 per annul. This scholarship is provided on the basis of the following eligibility criteria:
  • The applicant’s family income should be within INR 2.5 lakh per annul.
  • The applicant must have obtained at least 50% marks in his/ her previous year’s final examination.
Rewards:- The selected students are provided with financial assistance for the entire course. Awards are given in the form of course fee or tuition fee and maintenance allowances. A student is provided with maintenance allowance for a period of 10 months in an academic year under these schemes. You can collect more information regarding these schemes on .It is recommended that you visit the website and check the eligibility criteria for various Scholarship schemes. Then you also can apply for the schemes for which you are eligible. OASIC Official Link All Other Scholarship Recommended Only for You Vidyasaarathi Scholarship – Dates, Eligibility, Application, & Login Details This approach if our government is definitely a noble one and is expected to give better opportunities to our future leaders.

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