Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship – All details available Now

Prof. Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship is governed by Kerala provided by the Minority Welfare Department. Primarily meant to this scholarship is to support who are brilliant in studies and from lower sections of society. This Scholarship’s purpose to economically aid to those A++ students to continue their study at Secondary Level School Certificate (SSLC) to Plus two and the Vocational Higher Secondary (VHSE) level. Students must have to minority community and to BPL(Below Poverty Line) . Proffessor Joseph Mundassery (July 17, 1903 – October 1977) was a critic and Indian politician from Kerala state.

He is remembered as the Education Minister who was behind the controversial Education Bill of the first EMS communist ministry of 1957. Students who would like to know about Scholarship in detail, they should check out this total article.

Last date of Application
The last date of the Application is 5th February , 2021.

Required Eligibility for Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship

Students should belong from a Minority Communities [Christian, Muslim, Jains, Buddhist, Parsis, Sikhs].
Family income of the students must have below 8 lakhs from any sources.
Students must have studied in any government school or institutions of Kerala.
Candidates should have bank account in their parents’ name or their name in any nationalized bank.


The Joseph Mundassery scholarship is trying to help meritorious candidates for their higher education without facing any financial issues. Scholardhip lays out wonderful award to both UG
and PG candidates. Grants are mentioning below:

The candidates secured for the scholarship scheme will collect the following welfare for study at distinct level:

Stusents of SSLC must have to get A+ in all topics and will be granted INR 10,000.
Students of UG must have to get 80% marks and the more will be granted INR 15,000.
Stusents of PG must have to get 75% marks and the more will be granted INR 15,000.

Applying Process of Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship

Interested students should have to check out the Welfare Minority Scholarship at ma/dmw_ind.php
Students must have to register themselves by using require feature and complete the relevant areas like their Bank details, Educational details and Personal details.
Create a tight password to safe the account and also for again future login.
Accept Terms & Conditions as mentioned on the webpage.
Then submit this application.
Press on ‘Login Candidate’ and put the Password and ID.
Upload a photo, write your name and other important documents and bring out the print page of this application.
Submit it with cardinal Certificates and Documents.

Swami Vivekananda ScholarshipGET DETAILS

What’s Require for this Scholarship:

Register printout with the Candidate’s photo.
Take a copy of Memo allotment.
Bring a copy of marksheet lists of VHSE/Plus two/SSLC.
Give a copy of Pass Book where the all Scholarship Authority easily can see the crucial details such as Applicant Name, Account no, Branch Details etc.
Take a copy of the Aadhar/NPR Card, Ration Card, Navity Certificate, Income Certificate from Village Office in original and a Minority or Community Certificate with Non-creamy layer

SSLC Selection List Access Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship

Students must check out the Scholarship Online Portal. Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship
Next click on PJMS’ link.
Press on Selection List of SSLC on Webpage.
Then selected the respective Academy name which is displayedon th Webpage.
Students must fill the such fields like Personal data, Type of Scholarship and more which is displayed on Webpage.

HSC/ VHSE Selection List Access:

Students must check out the Scholarship Online Portal.
Next click on PJMS’ link.
Press on Selection List of VHSE/HSE on Webpage.
Then selected the respective Academy name which is displayedon th Webpage.
Students must fill the such fields like Personal data, Type of Scholarship and more which is displayed on Webpage.

Joseph Mundassery Scholarship 2021 – FAQ’s

1.What is the last date of this Application? Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship
Ans: 5th February, 2021.

2.Who can apply?
Ans: Student’s annual family income must be less than 8 lakhs from all sources.

3.Which student can apply?
ans: Candidatests must have to get A+ in all subjects at SSLC/Plus 2 and VHSE examinations to avail of the scholarship.

4.What is scholarship website?
Ans: At Mundaserry Scholarship Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship

We have given the complete details about this Scholarship thriugh this Article. Now regularly keep following our website for more updates. Check out our all vital Articles.

Note: Students must have to submit relevant important documents verified by the authorized person or the Head of the Academy and those documents have been verified
in online should appear before the last day to apply the mentioning address.

PFMS Scholarship – GET DETAILS

Contact Details:

Minority Welfare Directorate Joseph Mundaserry Scholarship
Vikas Bhavan, Fourth Floor,
695033, Thiruvananthapuram,
Website: The website is
Helpline No: 0471-2302090 & 0471-2300524
Email: [email protected]