Cooch Behar College Merit List 2021 New Detailed

Are you looking to check Cooch Behar College Merit List to get admission in Cooch Behar College? Don’t worry. Follow the following steps to check your merit list. Cooch Behar College prepares merit list according to the number of seat aggregate subject wise marks and others too give equal opportunity to every student to get admission in Cooch Behar College. Simply follow the steps to check if you are interested in Cooch Behar College merit list.

Cooch Behar College

Cooch Behar College Merit List

  • Name of the College:- Cooch Behar College
  • University(Affiliate):- Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University
  • Establish Year:- 1970
  • Principal Name:- Prof. Pankaj Kumar Debanath
  • Website:-
  • Category of Cooch Behar College:- Arts, commerce & Science
  • All Streams:- Arts & Commerce
  • Merit List Year:- 2021 to 2022
  • Institute Location: State:- West Bengal Pin Number:- 736101, District:- Cooch Behar, No.2, Kalighat Rd Number 1

Subjects Names of Cooch Behar College Merit List 2021

Geography, Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Pol Science, Philosophy, EconomicsAccountancyMathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science

4 ways to check Cooch Behar College Merit List 2021

  1. Go to the official website –
  2. Then choose Admission portal or direct merit list link.
  3. After that choose your subject & view your merit list.
  4. All End you may take some proof of that page.
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Cooch Behar College Merit List

Cooch Behar College available Facilities

Some top facilities available in Cooch Behar College is (i) Library, (ii) Sports, (iii) Laboratory, (iv) Ground, (v) Common Room, (vi) Cycle Stand, (vii) Good Education, and also other facilities.

Cooch Behar College- Merit List 2021 Publish date

  1. Cooch Behar College 1st merit list – 3rd Week of August
  2. Cooch Behar College 2nd Merit list – 3rd Week of August
  3. Cooch Behar College 3rd Merit List – 3rd Week of August
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Cooch Behar College Merit List 2021 Facts

Cooch Behar College merit list is prepared against the number of available seats.

  1. To prepare Cooch Behar College merit list, the aggregate, subject wise marks are important.
  2. According to available seats (mainly for Hons) the merit list is published.
  3. There are 5 merit lists(MAYBE). The first merit list fills almost 70% of seats.
  4. The second merit list is prepared with the waiting candidates just after the admission from the first merit list. If all seats are filled with this merit list, there will be no further merit list.
  5. If all seats are not filled with the first and second merit list, the third, fourth merit list will again be prepared. 
  6. The first merit list will be published on 3rd week of August(Maybe).

Cooch Behar College Merit List 2021 Link

Official Website of Cooch Behar College
Cooch Behar College Merit List Link
Cooch Behar College Results

Contact Details of Cooch Behar College

  • Official Number:- (03582)256798
  • E-mail ID:- [email protected]
  • Fax ID:- (03582)256798
  • College Address:- State:- West Bengal Pin Number:- 736101, District:- Cooch Behar, No.2, Kalighat Rd Number 1
  • For More Colleges and Career Information – LATESTNEWS29.COM

More Details about Cooch Behar College

Cooch Behar College believes education should imply the quality of knowledge. Cooch Behar college is a co-ed college established in the year 1970. This college deals with the students of commerce and arts. Every law of students gets admission into this college. The relationship between students and the faculty of this college is excellent. This college focuses on career development with lifetime values which help them to enhance their career growth and personal development in their near future. This college offers various popular and essential courses to empower the students to be self-dependent. It is one of the best colleges in Cooch Behar.

Required Documents to check Cooch Behar College Merit List 2021

a. School leaving Certificate the year of 2021.
b. Proof of your 2021 Application Fee.
c. HS & Madhyamik (i) Admit card, (ii) mark sheet, (iii) certificate.
d. P.H category students may submit their certificate.
e. Some recent clicked & coloured photographs.
f. Character Certificate attested by your previous school head.
g. Caste certificate for those who are belongs in Backward category.