Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 : Apply for 81 Vacancies ; Check Important details Here

Assam Rifle Recruitment : Assam Rifles Meritorious Sportsperson Recruitment Rally has uploaded a latest recruitment notice on its official page inviting 81 Eligible Male and Female Indian Citizen for the engagement of Rifleman & Riflewomen under sports quota recruitment in Assam Rifles for the years of 2023. This is great opportunity for the candidates who have 10th pass certificate and looking for a government job. The online registration process will starts on 01.07.2023 and it will remain active till the 30.07.2023. So, interested candidates can submit their online application form for Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 as soon as possible to avoid the last minutes rush.

The 10th pass Aspirants can go through the complete article to get detailed information regarding Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 such as Application process, selection process, vacancy details, eligibility criteria and many more.

Assam Rifle Recruitment

Conducted byAssam Rifles Meritorious Sportsperson Recruitment Rally
Job nameAssam Rifle Recruitment 2023
Job positionRifleman & Riflewomen
staring date of application01.07.2023
Last date of application30.07.2023
mode of applicationonline
total number of vacant seats81
qualification10th pass
age limit18 – 30 years
Pay scaleAs per rules
Job categoryGovt
official website

Eligibility Criteria

Academic Qualification :

candidates should matriculation pass from a recognized board or its equivalent qualification.

Age limit :

The minimum age of the candidates should not be less than 18 years and maximum age of the candidates should not more than 23 years

Age relaxation :

Upper age limit is relaxable for category candidates as per govt rules.

  • General/ OBC Category candidates : 5 years.
  • SC/ ST Category candidates : 10 years.

Vacancy Details of Assam Rifle Recruitment

Name of the post : Rifleman

Name of disciplineNo of post
Cross country05
Pencak silat04

Name of the post : RifleWoman

Name of disciplineNo of post
Cross country07

Application fee

SC/ ST category CandidatesExempted
General/ EWS/ OBC Category CandidatesRs. 100/-
PWD Category candidatesExempted

Application process

Selection process : Assam Rifle Recruitment

Selection will be done on a basis of the following stages

  • candidates verification.
  • Initial documentation.
  • Physical Standard Test.
  • Detailed medical examination.

Important date

Starting date of online applicationclosing date of online application
1st July 202330th July 2023

salary details : Assam Rifle Recruitment

Salary and other allowances as admissible to Assam Rifle Personnel as per 7th Pay Commission.

Prominent Link

Official notification linkofficial website linkapplication link

Important FAQs of Assam Rifle Recruitment

Q. What are the online registration dates to fill Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 form ?

Ans. The online registration for Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 is available from 1st July 2023 to 30th July 2023.

Q. How many seats are announced through Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 ?

Ans. A total number of 81 seats are announced through Assam Rifle Recruitment.

Q. What is the eligibility required to apply for Assam Rifle Recruitment 2023 ?

Ans. candidates should matriculation pass from a recognized board or its equivalent qualification.

Q. What is the last date of application for Assam Rifle Recruitment ?

Ans. 30th July 2023 is the last date of application for this job.