Punjab University Job Openings 2023 for 53 Assistant & Associate Professor posts: Get details now

Punjab University Job Openings: Hey Aspirants, Are you searching for a central government job in the state of Punjab? Then get prepared to apply for the latest job advertisement regarding Punjab University Job Openings 2023. The official of Punjab University is going to hire Committed & Promising Job Aspirants for a total number of 53 vacancies for the Position of Assistant Professor & Associate Professor posts. Interested candidates are informed that they have to apply for this recruitment through the official website on or before the 20th of January 2023. Also, the candidates can submit their applications through the direct link provided in this article. Apart from the direct link, we also share some beneficial information regarding Punjab University Job Openings 2023 including the application process, application fee, selection process, eligibility criteria, salary details & more.

Punjab University Job Openings

Conducted byPunjab University
Job namePunjab University Job Openings 2023
Job positionAssistant Professor & Associate Professor
staring date of applicationAlready started
Last date of application20th of January 2023
mode of applicationoffline
total number of vacant seats53
qualificationPG, PHD, NET, SLET
age limitCheck the notification
Pay scaleRs. 15600 to 67000/- per month
official websitehttps://jobs.puchd.ac.in/

Eligibility Criteria : Punjab University Job Openings 2023

  • candidates have PG, PH.D. Degree in relevant discipline from a recognized institute.
  • candidates must qualify the NET, SLET.
  • candidates should have good academic records.

If you want to get more information regarding eligibility criteria, please follow the official notification.

Vacancy Details of Punjab University Job Openings

Name of the post : Assistant & Associate Professor

Name of the disciplineNo of postName of the disciplineNo of post
Physics02Bio technology01
university institute of Applied management science02Centra for defence and national security bodies01
university institute of hotel management & Tourism management02Physical Education02
university institute of Legal Studies02Nano science & Nano technology01
university school of open learning02centre foe medical physics01
Indian Theatre02centre for public health01
centre for stem cell tissue engineering & bio medical excellence01life long learning and extension01
Dayanad chair for vedic studies01Mathematics01
microbiology01Dr S.S Bhatnagar university institute of chemical engineering & technology01
economics01Institute of fashion technology & vocational development01
Philosophy01Environment studies01
Political science01Sociology01
Public Administration01Russian01
V.V. B.I.S & Indological studies, Hoshiarpur01Zoology01

Application fee

SC/ ST category CandidatesExempted
General/ EWS/ OBC Category CandidatesExempted
PWD Category candidatesExempted

Application process : Punjab University Job Openings 2023

  • candidates need to fill out the application form and send the duly filled application form along with all the self attested copies of documents to the following address

Deputy Registrar ESTT, Punjab university, Chandigarh.

Selection process

please follow the official notification for more details.

Important date

Starting date of online applicationclosing date of online application
Already started20th of January 2023

salary details

Name of the postsPay scale
Assistant ProfessorRs. 15600 to 39100 + Grade Pay 6000/- per month
Associate ProfessorRs. 37400 to 67000 + Grade Pay 9000/- per month

Prominent Link

Official notification linkofficial website linkapplication form link

Important FAQs of Punjab University Job Openings

Q. What posts will be appointed under Punjab University Job Openings ?

Ans. Assistant & Associate Professor posts will be appointed under this job openings.

Q. What is the last date of submission the application ?

Ans. 20th of January 2023 is the last date of submission the application.

Q. How many vacancies are released through Punjab University Job Openings 2023

Ans. A total number of 53 vacancies are released for this job openings.