Krishnath College Merit List 2021 Free Informations

Do you know that, Krishnath College Merit List is the most essential step to get admission in Krishnath College. If you have to get admission in this college, you have to your name in Krishnath College Merit List. Krishnath College publishes almost 4 merit list every year, which is prepared against the seat number of this college and many other things. For the detailed information about Krishnath College Merit List, you should go below and complete the article. Go ahede for KN College Merit List 2021.

Krishnath College Merit List

Krishnath College Merit List

  • College Name – Krishnath College
  • The Established Year – 1853
  • Affiliate/ Under University – Kalyani University
  • College Category – Undergraduate
  • Also known as – KN College
  • Principal Name – Dr. Sujata Bagchi Banerjee
  • College Type – Undergraduate
  • KN College Merit List Year – 2021 to 2022
  • Proper Location – District:- Murshidabad, Surjyasen Rd, Gora Bazar, Berhampore, State:- West Bengal Pin No:- 742101
  • Departments of this college – Arts & Science

Krishnath College Merit List 2021 Subject

  1. Arts
  2. Bengali
  3. English
  4. Sanskrit
  5. History
  6. Political Science
  7. Philosophy
  8. Physical education
  9. Tourism & Travel Management
  10. Science
  11. Chemistry
  12. Physics
  13. Mathematics
  14. Geography
  15. Zoology
  16. Botany
  17. Physiology
  18. Sericulture
  19. Economics
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Checking Method of the Merit List of Krishnath College

Checking Method of the Merit List of Krishnath College

Here is the simplest way to check the Krishnath College Merit list.

  1. Go to the official website of Krishnath College.
  2. Go to the Admission or Merit list panel.
  3. Select your stream
  4. Download the PDF file of the Merit list.
  5. Search your name in the list.

Krishnath College Top Facilities

  1. Indoor Sports
  2. Soprts
  3. Play ground
  4. Cycle Stand
  5. Library Facility
  6. Good Classroom
  7. Hostel Facility
  8. And also other facilities
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Dates and links of Krishnath College Merit List

Krishnath College Merit List 2021 Publish date

  • Krishnath College 1st merit list – 4th week of August
  • Krishnath College 2nd Merit list – 4th week of August
  • Krishnath College 3rd Merit List – 4th week of August

Krishnath College Merit List 2021 Facts

If you wanna get a part of Krishnath College, you must know which is required to smoother the admission system.

  1. Merit lists will always be prepared on the basis of the number of available seats.
  2. Merit lists will be more than one if there are any requirements.
  3. Date of the first merit list is on 4th week of August.
  4. From the first merit list almost 65-80% seats will be filled by the admission process.
  5. After being enlisted in the first merit list, the candidate gets a fair chance to counsel and admission.
  6. If any seats vacant, the next merit list will be prepared.
  7. There will be a maximum of 5-6 merit lists.

Krishnath College Merit List 2021 Link

Official Website of Krishnath College
Krishnath College Merit List Link

Interesting Facts about Krishnath College

  1. Krishnath College was established in 1998.
  2. It is one of the best degree colleges in Murshidabad district.
  3. This college is affiliated to the University of Kalyani.
  4. Once upon a time, it was affiliated to the University of Calcutta.
  5. Which college offers both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Quality education is the primary cause of this college.
  6. Localised education, along with the globalisation and the ideal focus for futuristic education are essential means of life in this college.
  7. This college is also famous for the bonding between students and faculty along with the non-teaching staffs.
  8. It is a CO educational institution. It was developed for certain career development purposes.

Contact Details of Krishnath College

  • College’s official Website:-
  • Contact Number:- 03482 252 069
  • Mail ID:- [email protected]
  • FAX ID:- 03482 252 069
  • College’s official Location:- District:- Murshidabad, Surjyasen Rd, Gora Bazar, Berhampore, State:- West Bengal Pin No:- 742101

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