ICMR-NIN Job Openings 2023 for 17 vacancies : Attend walk in, Get details now

ICMR-NIN Job Openings: ICMR – National Institute of Nutrition Has uploaded an employment notification on its official page. The official of ICMR – National Institute of Nutrition aims to recruit Promising, Dynamic, committed Indian nationalists for the various post like Project scientist B, project consultant, Project lower division clerk, Project consultant & others through a walk-in interviews. The official conducted the walk-in at the Central co – ordination unit, ICMR – National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, Telangana to select the qualified candidates for said posts. So, candidates who are willing to be a part of the NIN can attend the walk-in interview on a given date and place. In this article, We highlighted the key points regarding ICMR-NIN Job Openings including the application process, selection process, eligibility criteria, vacancy details, and more.

ICMR-NIN Job Openings

Conducted byICMR – National Institute of Nutrition
Job nameICMR-NIN Job Openings 2023
Job positionProject scientist B, project consultant, Project lower division clerk, Project consultant & others
date of publication of the employment notification 20th of January 2023
Date of walk in interview6th to 8th of February 2023
mode of applicationonline
total number of vacant seats17
qualification10th, 12th, degree, PG
age limit25 to 70 years
Pay scaleRs. 15800 to 1,00,000/- per month
Job categoryGovt
official websitehttps://www.nin.res.in/

Eligibility Criteria : ICMR-NIN Job Openings 2023

Name of the postsQualificationAge limit
Project Scientist B (Medical)MD Degree in the following discipline from a recognized institute.
1. microbiology
2. Pathology
3. PSM
MBBS Degree with at least 1 years of teaching or research experience
not exceeding 35 years
Project Scientist B (Physical Anthropology)Candidates have Master degree in Physical biological Anthropology from a recognized institute with 1st class and minimum of 2 years of experience in community or field studiesnot exceeding 35 years
Project Scientist B (Non Medical)Candidates have Master degree in Life science from a recognized institute with 1st class and minimum of 2 years of experience in community or field studies
BDS / B.VSC Degree with 1 years of experience
not exceeding 35 years
Project Scientist C (Non Medical)1st class master degree in Statistics/ bio statistics with 4 years experience
2nd class Master degree with PHD Degree in statistics with 4 years experience
not exceeding 40 years
Project Consultants (Medical)Professionals with MD degree or Doctoral degree in relevant discipline with 5 years experience in community or field studies.not exceeding 70 years
Project Consultants (Data science expert)Professional with MBA/ MBBS/ B.TECH/ M.TECH Degree with experience in data science/ data visualization with experience in handling data related to community or field studies.not exceeding 70 years
Project Consultants (Administration)Retd. govt employee with bachelors degree in any discipline and having minimum of 10 years of experience in the administration, finance.not exceeding 70 years
Project Lower Division ClerkIntermediate pass or equivalent degree from a recognized board.not exceeding 25 years
Project Multi Tasking staff10th or its equivalentnot exceeding 25 years

Vacancy Details of

Name of the postsNo of posts
Project Scientist B (Medical)01
Project Scientist B (Physical Anthropology)01
Project Scientist B (Non Medical)03
Project Scientist C (Non Medical)02
Project Consultants (Medical)01
Project Consultants (Data science expert)02
Project Consultants (Administration)01
Project Lower Division Clerk04
Project Multi Tasking staff02

Application fee

no fees required

Application process

  • candidates need to attend the walk in interview along with all the attested copies of enclosures and the orginal copies of documents for verification to the below mentioned address

Central co – ordination unit, ICMR – National institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, Telangana

Selection process

candidates will be selected on a basis of walk in interview

Important date

date of publication of the employment notification date of walk in interview
20th of January 20236th to 8th of December 2023

salary details

Name of the postsSalary
Project Scientist B (Medical)Rs. 61,000/- per month
Project Scientist B (Physical Anthropology)Rs. 48,000/- per month
Project Scientist B (Non Medical)Rs. 48,000/- per month
Project Scientist C (Non Medical)Rs. 51,000/- per month
Project Consultants (Medical)Rs. 1,00,000/- per month
Project Consultants (Data science expert)Rs. 70,000/- per month
Project Consultants (Administration)Rs. 60,000/- per month
Project Lower Division ClerkRs. 16,000/- per month
Project Multi Tasking staffRs. 15800/- per month

Prominent Link

Official notification linkofficial website linkapplication link