Harishchandrapur College Merit List 2021 Check Now

If you are unable to collect detailed information about Harishchandrapur College Merit List till now, don’t worry. You have come to the correct place now. Our today’s content is based on Harishchandrapur College Merit List. So, we will discuss about i this matter in the below section. So, if you are really interested, you should go below and complete the aerticle carefully to check the merit list of Harishchandrapur College comfortably.

Harishchandrapur College Merit List

Harishchandrapur College Merit List

  • College Name – Harishchandrapur College
  • The Established Year – 2008
  • Affiliate/ Under University – Gour Banga University
  • College Category – undergraduate
  • Principal Name –
  • College Type – undergraduate
  • Proper Location – District:- Malda, Chanchal- Rd Pipla, Harishchandrapur, Pipla, State:- West Bengal Pin No:- 732125
  • Departments of this college – Arts

Harishchandrapur College Merit List 2021 Subject

  • Arts
  • Bengali
  • English
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy
  • Education
  • Geography
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Harishchandrapur College Merit List 2021 Checking Process

There are many ways to check out the Merit list of Harishchandrapur College. But the easiest way is in the below – 

  • At first, you have to go to the official website of Harishchandrapur College.
  • After that, go to the Admission or Merit list panel.
  • Then, select your subject details and stream.
  • At last, you have to download the PDF file of the Merit list.
  • Check your name in the list.
Harishchandrapur College Merit List Checking Process

Harishchandrapur College Top Facilities

  • Library
  • Canteen
  • Laboratory
  • Quarter
  • Auditorium
  • Girls’ Hostel

Harishchandrapur College Merit List 2021 Publish date

  • Harishchandrapur College 1st merit list – 3rd week of August
  • Harishchandrapur College 2nd Merit list – 3rd week of August
  • Harishchandrapur College 3rd Merit List – 3rd week of August

Harishchandrapur College Merit List 2021 Facts

Probably you know why you need to focus on the merit list to get admission in Harishchandrapur College. Now you have to know how the merit list is prepared. Here you look:

  1. Harishchandrapur College merit list is prepared against the number of seats.
  2. The aggregate, HS or equivalent subject wise marks are important parameters to prepare the merit list of this college.
  3. Merit list will be multiple according to the need and demand.
  4. 68-75% of applicants (approx) generally get a chance to get admission from the first merit list.
  5. After the admission process from the first merit list, second merit list will be published.
  6. The third merit list preparation will be followed as the second merit list.
  7. Fourth and fifth merit lists will be prepared if seats are available after the first, second, third phase of admission.
  8. The first merit list will be available on….
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Harishchandrapur College Merit List 2021 Link

Official Website of Harishchandrapur College
Harishchandrapur College Merit List Link

Contact Details of Harishchandrapur College

  • College’s official Website:- http://www.harishchandrapurcollege.org.in
  • Contact Number:- 8768130356
  • Mail ID:- [email protected]
  • FAX ID:- 
  • College’s official Location:- District:- Malda, Chanchal- Rd Pipla, Harishchandrapur, Pipla, State:- West Bengal Pin No:- 732125
Harishchandrapur College

More Details about Harishchandrapur College

Harishchandrapur College is located at pipla, harishchandrapur in Malda. This college is affiliated to Gour Banga University. It offers undergraduate courses in arts. Some important subjects are

  1. Bengali
  2. English
  3. History
  4. Political science
  5. Philosophy
  6. Geography
  7. Education

Harishchandrapur college was established in 2008. This college is best because of the quality of education in Arts. Both general or pass courses and honours courses are available here. Every student of this college is proud to be a part of this college because it is one of the best institutions that continually spread humanity’s rationality positivity among the students. It is a CO educational institution. It also focuses on student empowerment for girls students.

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